Educational Experience
In Japan, students are required to decide on their major before entering college. In high school, my interests spanned a wide range of fields, including political science, broadcasting, and art. To accommodate my diverse interests, I chose liberal arts as my first major, allowing me to study a broad foundation. Upon moving to the United States for further study, my goal was to gain not only academic knowledge and a bachelor's degree but also hands-on creative skills. At ArtCenter, I focused on branding and total visual communication. Beyond learning the basics of design, I delved into the development of culture and values in people’s minds.
A well-designed poster can be attractive, but an entire campaign, with its variety of formats, carries more information and offers greater accessibility. All communication pieces, including taglines, visuals, music, space, interface, and experience, gradually build up a particular image or world in our minds. I've always been fascinated by this result and the process behind it. ArtCenter was also a hub of collaboration. Being a studio-focused institution offering nine other majors at that time, students from different disciplines frequently worked together on projects. In essence, collaboration was not just encouraged; it was essential. This environment taught me how to seek help, communicate effectively with collaborators and volunteers, and the importance of sharing the excitement.